Ivan Moody e a música sacra

Ivan Moody, compositor

Obras de Ivan Moody

Música Sacra do catálogo de obras do compositor

Byzantine Requiem, 2022, 24’00”, SATTBarB, For Singer Pur, in memory of his father

Apolytikiion for St John Chrysostom, 2021, 1′, SATB, For Glasgow University Chapel Choir

Civitas Sancti, 2020, 4’30”, SATB, For Voces8

Stephans-Weihnacht, 2019, 35 minutes, SATTBarB soloists, Mixed choir, cornetto, 3 trombones, organ, Commissioned by Singer Pur and the Choir of St Stephen’s Church, Therwil, Switzerland, Fp Singer Pur, Kirchenchor St Stephan, Teresa Ortner (cornetto), Tin Cugelj, Adrian King, Andrius Pamorskis (trombones), Ralph Stelzenmüller (organ) St Stephanskirche, Therwil, Switzerland, 14 December 2019

O Archangels and Angels, 2019, 7 minutes, Soprano, cornetto, Bass viol, Commissioned by Bruce Dickey, Tbp Bruce Dickey and Hana Blažiková 2020

Ave Maris Stella, O Maria Maris Stella, Resurgentis/Defte lavete/Christos anesti, 2018, Total 14 minutes SSS, Commissioned by Trio Mediaeval, Fp Trio Mediaeval, Oslo, 27 August 2018

Isangele (John on Patmos), 2018, 6 minutes SSAATTBB, Commissioned by the English Chamber Choir, Fp English Chamber Choir/Guy Protheroe, Patmos Festival, Greece, 30 August 2018

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, 2018, 2 minutes SATB, For the 2018 ISOCM Pan-Orthodox Music Symposium, Fp Choirs of the 2018 ISOCM Pan-Orthodox Music Symposium, Minneapolis, 23 June 2018

Exaposteilarion for Theophany, 2017, 2’30” minutes SATB, For Geoffrey D. Williams, Fp Oratorio Society/Geoffrey D. Williams, Russian Choral Festival, University of Illinois Urbana, 06 March 2018

Psalm 1 and Antiphon for Psalm 1, 2017, 8 + 2 minutes STTTBarB + SATB with div, Commissioned by Singer Pur, Fp Singer Pur, Regensburger Domspatz/Roland Büchner, 18 May 2017, Rathaussaal im Alten Rathaus, Regensburg

Psalm Antiphon, 2017, 10 minutes SATB with div; Picc, 2 Fl, 2 Ob, CA, Bsn, Cbsn, 2 Hn,, 2 Tpt, Trb, B Trb, Timp, Hp, 2 Pno, Cb., Commissioned by the Chamber Choir of Lisbon University, Fp Lisbon University Chamber Choir, Banda de Música da Armada Portuguese/Délio Gonçalves

Vespers Sequence, 2016, 35 minutes ATBarB, Commissioned by New York Polyphony, Fp New York Polyphony, 21 January 2017, Church of St Mary the Virgin, 145 W 46th Stree, New York

Anymphevte Parthene, 2016, 4.30 minutes S, MS, Organ, Text: Tone 8 Theotokion from Vespers (Greek), Written for Filipa Tapina, Margherita Alivoni and João Vaz, Fp Estoril Lisbon Festival, 23 July 2016

Le Vergine, 2016, 12 minutes SATTB, Consort of Viols, Text: Petrarch (Italian), Commissioned by Stimmwerck, Fp Stimmwerck, Adlersburg, Regensburg, 29-30 June 2016

…grace upon her heart…, 2015, 10 minutes SATB+SATB, Text: John of Euchaita, “The Transfiguration”, trans. Elizabeth Barrett Browning (English), Commissioned by the Sheppard Ensemble, Fp Sheppard Ensemble/Bernhard Schmidt, Porvoo, Finland, 2 September 2015

The Descent of the Dove, 2015, 6 minutes Violin, Violoncello, Piano, Fp Dellalian Trio, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 17 May 2015

To the Holy Spirit, 2014, 4 minutes SSATB, Text: Manuel Phile, “To the Holy Spirit”, trans. Elizabeth Barrett Browning (English), Fp The Byrd Ensemble, 31 January 2013, St Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle WA

O Luce Etterna, (Dante Trilogy Part I) 2014, 10 minutes SSAATTBB, Text: from Il Paradiso by Dante Alighieri (Italian), Commissioned by the Cistermúsica Festival, Fp Cappella Musical Cupertino de Miranda, Cistermúsica Festival, Alcobaça, 11 July 2014

Liturgy of St John Chrysostom No. 2 (Greek Liturgy) 2014, c. 60 minutes SATB with divisions, Text: Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom (Greek), Tbp St Romanos Choir/Peter Jermihov, Autumn 2014, Commissioned by the Society of St Romanos

Thy Fatherly Embrace, 2014, 3 minutes SATB with divisions, Text: Kathisma Hymn of the Canon for Sunday of the Prodigal Son (English), Fp St Romanos Choir/Peter Jermihov, St Peter & St Paul Orthodox Church, Burr Ridge, Illinois, 6 April

Aposticha for the Dormition, 2013, 9 minutes SATB, Text: Vespers for the Dormition of the Mother of God (English), Fp Orthodox Choir of the University of Eastern Finland/Petri Nykänen, Monastery of New Valamo, Finland, 16 February 2014

Qohelet, 2013, 50 minutes SSAATTBarB, Consort of viols, Text: Ecclesiastes (Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English), Commissioned by De Labyrintho

Te lucis ante terminum, 2012, 3 ½ minutes SSATBarB, Text: office hymn (Latin), Fp Choir of Merton College, Oxford/Peter Phillips, Merton College, Oxford, 09 May 2014

Noć Prekrasna, 2012, 2 minutes SSATBarB, Texts: Kontakion of the Nativity, St Nikolaj Velimirović (Slavonic, Serbian), Fp 8 January 2013, Choir of the Cathedral of St George, Novi Sad/Bgdan Djaković, Synagogue, Novi Sad, Serbia

Simeron, 2012, 25 minutes SAT soloists, String Trio, Texts: Byzantine Rite Holy Week, Sermon by Bishop Melito of Sardis, Commissioned by the Goeyvaerts Trio, Fp Goeyvaerts Trio, Vox Luminis, Rotterdam, 15 September 2012

The Paschal Canon: Ode VIII, 2012, 5 minutes SSAATTBB (part of a multi-composer work), Text: Paschal Canon, Commissioned by Cappella Romana, Fp Cappella Romana/Alexander Lingas, Lincoln City Cultural Centre,18 May 2012

Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (The Pacific Canticles), 2011, 9 minutes SSAATTBB, Commissioned by the Chapel College Men & Boys Ensemble of Pacific Collegium, Fp Chapel College Men & Boys Ensemble of Pacific Collegium/Christopher Kula, 22 May 2012, St Paul’s Episcopal Church, Oakland, California

Vespers, 2011, c. 30 minutes SSA (children’s voices), Text: Byzantine rite Vespers (English), Commissioned by the Children’s Choir of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary, New York

Sub tuum praesidium, 2010, 12 minutes SSAATTBB, Text: Devotional prayer (Latin, Slavonic, Greek), Commissioned by the English Chamber Choir, Fp English Chamber Choir, Brighton Festival, 11 May 2012

Angelus Domini descendit, 2010, 7 minutes SSAATTBB, Text: Responsory for Pascha (Latin), Commissioned by the Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London, Fp Choir of Royal Holloway/Rupert Gough, Royal Holloway, 7 April 2010, (Live BBC broadcast of choral evensong)

Canticum Canticorum IV, 2010, 10 minutes SSAATTBB, Text: Song of Songs (Hebrew), Commissioned by Seattle Pro Musica, Fp Seattle Pro Musica-Karen P. Thomas, Seattle May 2010

Hymn to St Nicholas, 2009, 15 minutes SSAATTBB, Texts: Sticheron from Vespers for the Feast of St Nicholas, Trisagion (Slavonic, Greek), Commissioned by the KotorArt Festival, Fp KotorArt Festival Choir/Ivan Moody, Kotor, Montenegro, 11 August 2009

Russian Hymn, 2008, 5 minutes T, T, rec, vcl, theorbo, Text: Russian devotional song (Russian), Commissioned by Sete Lágrimas, Fp Sete Lágrimas, Beja, 14 November 2009

Genesis, 2008, 15 minutes S, T,T ,ob, bsn, vcl, theorbo, Text: The Book of Genesis (Greek), Commissioned by Sete Lágrimas, Fp Sete Lágrimas, Beja, 14 November 2009

Canti della Rosa, 2008, 15 minutes Ct,Ct,T,Bar,Bar,B, Texts: Dante, popular devotional texts, Orthodox Matins of Holy Friday (Italian and Sardinian), Commissioned by The King’s Singers, Tbp The King’s Singers, Cadogan Hall, London, 20 November 2009

Stabat Mater, 2008, 30 minutes SSSSAAAATTTTBBBB, String Quartet, Texts: Roman Liturgy, Orthodox Matins of Holy Friday, Anna Akhmatova (Latin, Greek, Russian), Commissioned by the Oslo Festival of Church Music, Fp Norwegian Soloists’ Choir, Vertavo Quartet/Grete Pedersen, Oslo, 22 March 2009

Led by the Light, 2008, 10 minutes SSAATTBB, Text: Orthodox Vespers of the Nativity (English), Commissioned by Lumen Valo, Fp Lumen Valo, Uspensky Cathedral, Helsinki, Finland, December 2008

Kleine Geistliche Konzerte, 2007, Various scorings, Texts: Psalms (German and Latin), Fp (recording) Sete Lágrimas, Palácio da Fronteira, Lisbon, October 2007

Trisagion, 2007, 12 minutes Baritone solo, Chamber Orchestra, (Picc, Ob, Clt, Bsn, Hn, Tpt, Trb, Perc, Str), Text: Trisagion (Greek), Fp Armando Possante, Orchestrutopica/Tapio Tuomela, Culturgest, Lisbon, 22 September 2007

Anástasis, 2007, 10 minutes SAATTTTBarBarB, Texts: Orthodox Liturgy for Holy Week and Pascha (English, Greek), Fp Hilliard Ensemble, Singer Pur, Regensburg, 3 October 2007

Ecce Homo, 2007, 4 minutes SSATB, Organ, Text: Gospel of St John (Greek, Latin), Fp Concertus Antiquus/Victor Roque Amaro, Lisbon Cathedral, 26 April 2007

Vigilia (Vigil Service), 2006, 40 minutes SSAATTBB, Texts: Orthodox Vigil Service (Finnish) Sections performed by various choirs In Finland, 2006-

Funeral Trisagion (Kendrick Perala in memoriam), 2006, 2 minutes SATB, Fp Cappella Romana, Portland, Oregon, 2 March 2007

O Quam Mirabilis, 2006, 4 minutes SSA, Text: Hildegard of Bingen (Latin), Commissioned by Mandala

Preghiera, 2006, 1 minute Soprano, ocarina, Chinese gong, Text: Prayer from the Paraklesis to the Mother of God (Italian), Commissioned by Antidogma Musica, Turin, Fp 10 September 2006, Casa Cavassa Museum, Turin

Sedam Himni Svetom Savi (Seven Hymns for St Sava), 2006, 14 minutes SSAATTBB, Text: Stichera from Vespers for the Feast of St Sava, (Slavonic), Fp Camerata Academica/Bogdan Djakovic, Matica Srpska Gallery,, Novi Sad, Serbia, 11 November 2006

Funeral Trisagion (Kendrick Perala in memoriam), 2006, 2 minutes SATB, Text: Trisagion from the Funeral Service (English), Fp Cappella Romana, Westminster Chancel Choir, Oregon Repertory Singers, 20 February 2006, Westminster Presbyterian Church,Portland OR.

Te Apostolit…, 2005, 10 minutes SM-SATBarB, Text: Exaposteilarion of the Dormition (Finnish), Commissioned by Rajaton, Helsinki

Ossetian Requiem, 2005, Texts: Orthodox Funeral service, Chamber Choir, 8 ‘Cellos, Fp Valencia Chamber Choir, ‘Cello Octet conjunto Ibérico/Elias Arizcuren, Templo la Valenciana, Guanajuato (Festival Cervantino) Mexico, 15 October 2005

Passione Popolare, 2005, Texts: Orthodox services for Holy Week, Popular Italian Devotional Songs, (Greek, Italian, Sardinian, Italian dialects) 30 minutes Soprano solo, Baritone solo, SATB, Ob, Vl, Vla, Vc, Fp Linda Campanella, soprano, Matteo Pierone, baritone, DolciAure Consort, Ensemble Antidogma/Ivano Scavino, Festival Antidogma, Abbazia di Staffarda, Italy, 28 June, 2005

O Viridissima Virga, 2004, Text by Hildegard of Bingen (Latin), 8 minutes SATB, Fp St Louis Chamber Chorus/Philip Barnes,St Louis, Missouri, 19 December 2004

Aurora Radius, 2004, Text from Matins of the Resurrection and by William Dunbar (Slavonic/Scots), 8 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Cappella Nova/Alan Tavener, Aberdeen, 23 March 2005

He Who Clothed Himself with Light, 2004, Text from Matins or Holy Friday (English), 7 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Cappella Nova/Alan Tavener, Aberdeen, 23 March 2005

Salmo de Matrimonio, 2004, Text from the Orthodox Wedding Service (Spanish), 5 minutes Alto solo, SATB, Fp Susana Diniz Moody, Coro Audite, Madrid, 17 September 2004

Crocifissione, 2003, Text from the Lamentations of Jeremiah (Latin /Greek), 5 minutes SSATB, 2 horns, 2 trombones, Fp DolciAure Ensemble/Willy Merz, Abbazia di Staffarda, 19 June 2004

The Dormition of the Virgin, 2003, Texts from the Transitus Mariae, Matins of the Dormition and other liturgical sources (English) 45 minutes STB soloists, choir, 2 cornetti (or trumpets), strings, Commissioned by the BBC for the BBC Singers, Fp Micaela Haslam (soprano), Robert Johnston (tenor), Steohen Charlesworth (bass), BBC Singers, St James Baroque/Stephen Layton, London, 21 May 2004

The Morning Star, 2003, 12 minutes Solo Double bass, string orchestra, Commissioned by Duncan Fox, Fp António Augusto Aguiar, Orquestra de Câmera de Espinho/Cesário Costa,, Salão Nobre, Casino de Espinho, 2 December 2005

Exaposteilarion for Pascha, 2003, Text: Exaposteilarion from Paschal Matins (Finnish or English) 2 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Orthodox Choir of the University of Joensuu/Ivan Moody, Joensuu, 22 May, 2003

Wedding Troparion, 2003, Text: From the Orthodox Wedding Service (English) 3 minutes S, vl, vcl, Fp Karina Campos (sop), Paulo Egídio Klugeman (vl), Danny Secco (vc), Igreja Ortodoxa Ucraniana de São Miguel, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, 8 November, 2003

Music for Diálogo das Compensadas, 2003, Text: Mark 11:15 (Greek) Total timing c.25 minutes Contralto, Treble Viol, 2 Bass Viols, Violone, Commissioned by the Fatias de Cá Theatre Company for the play Diálogo das Compensadas by João Aguiar; Recording made by Grupo Diálogo/Ivan Moody, Lisbon, 26 February, 2003

Lament of Adam, 2003, Text: Sitkheron at the Praises of Matins for Forgiveness Sunday (English), 4 minutes TTBarB, Fp Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection, New York City, 9 March, 2003

Bogoroditse Devo, 2003, Text: Hymn to the Virgin (Slavonic) 3 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp St George’s Cathedral Choir/Bogdan Djakovic, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 14 May, 2003

Erimos, 2003, Texts from Psalm 103, Forgiveness Sunday Vespers and the Apolytikion for Holy Ascetics (English) 8 minutes SSAA, Fp Canty, Old St Paul’s Episcipal Church, Edinburgh, 6 June, 2003

The Canon for Theophany, 2002, Text: Canon for Matins of Holy Theophany (English) SSAATTBB, 30 minutes, Fp Orthodox Choir of the University of Joensuu/Ivan Moody, Joensuu, 22 May, 2003

Isconsolada, 2002, Text: Matins of Holy Friday, Sardinian devotional chant (Greek/Sardinian) 10 minutes SSATB, Fp Winterthur Vocal Ensemble/Ivan Moody, Oberwinterthur, 13 June, 2003

A Lion’s Sleep, 2002, Text: St Simeon Metaphrastes, translated by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Liturgy of Holy Saturday (English/Greek) 10 minutes SSS, Fp Trio Mediaeval, Trinity College, Cambridge, 18 July, 2003

In Paradise of Old, 2002, Text: Kathisma from Matins of the Exaltation of the Cross (English), 6 minutes SSAATTBB, Written for the Schola Cantorum of St Peter the Apostle, Chicago, Fp Schola Cantorum of St Peter the Apostle, Chicago/J. Michael Thompson, September, 2002

Chalice of Wisdom, 2002, Text: Gospels, Matins of the Feast of St Thomas (English/Greek), 7 minutes TTBarBB, Written for Amarcord

The Blessed Among Women, Weeping A Passion Carol, 2002, Text: John of Euchaita, translated by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Matins of Holy Saturday (English/Greek), 5 minutes TTTB, Fp Red Byrd, Sheffield, 15 November 2005

Carol of the Magi, 2001, Text: Aposticha from Vespers of the Nativity (English/Greek), 2 minutes SSMA, Written for the Oriana Ensemble

Make ready, Bethlehem/Dormi Iesu, 2001, Text: Apolytikion of the Preparation of the Nativity/Anonymous Christmas carol (English/Latin), 1½ minutes SSAATBB, Fp English Chamber Choir/Guy Protheroe, London, 12th December, 2001

Vecheri Tvoeya, 2001, Text: Communion Hymn for Pascha, 2 ½ minutes SATB, Fp Pravoslava Chamber Choir/Ivan Moody, Palácio Foz, Lisbon, 13th November, 2001

Lamentations of the Myrrhbearer, 2001, 17 minutes String Quartet, Fp Soloists of the Gulbenkian Orchestra, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 10th December, 2001

The Prophecy of Symeon, 2001, Text from the Gospels and Megalynarion for Theophany (English, Greek), 9 minutes SATTB, Commissioned by Porto 2001 Fp Grupo Vocal Olisipo,Convento de São Bento, Oporto, 14th October 2001

Slova (Words), 2001, Poem by Anna Akhmatova (Russian), 2 minutes SSA, Fp Tapestry 28 October 2006, First Church Congregational, Cambridge, MA, USA

The Manger, 2000, Texts: Traditional carol; Kontakion for the Nativity and Compline for the Nativity (English), 4 minutes SATB, Fp English Chamber Choir/Guy Protheroe, London, 19th December 2000

Prayer at the Close of Day, 2000, Text from the Orthodox Prayer Book (English), 4 minutes SSSSAATTBB, Written for The Tallis Scholars

The Adoration of the Lamb, 2000, Text: The Book of Revelation, Trisagion (English, Greek), 10 minutes SSMSMSAATTBB, Fp The Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips, Dorchester, 28th July, 2000

Psalm of Crowning, 2000, Text: Orthodox Marriage Service (English, Greek), 6 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Cappella Romana, Tudor Singers, Seattle, 9th July, 2000

Canticle of Light, 1999, Text: Canticle of Simeon and from Orthodox Matins of the Nativity (English), 5 minutes SSA, SSAATTBB, Fp Invocation, Horsham, 31st December, 1999

Polyeleos, 1999, Text from Orthodox Vespers (English), 6 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Chapel Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London/Lionel Pike, 11th June, 2000

The Bright Star, 1999, Text from Russian kolyadka and Great Vespers for the Nativity (English), 4 minutes SSS/SABar, Fp Choir of St John’s-Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, Canada, 3rd December, 1999

The Troparion of Kassiani, 1999, Text from Orthodox Matins of Holy Wednesday (English, Greek), 7 minutes SSS, Fp Trio Mediaeval, Sandefjord, Norway, 26th March, 2000

Anghelu, 1999, 8 minutes Double-bass quartet, Fp Contr’Orquestra, Teatro Garcia de Rezende, Évora, 29 June 2002

Apokathilosis, 1999, Text from Orthodox Vespers of Holy Friday (English, Greek), 10 minutes TTBarBB, Fp Amarcord, Leipzig, 7th May, 1999

Akathistos Hymn, 1998, Text: the Akathistos Hymn (English, Greek), 95 minutes Solo T, Choir, Fp Cappella Romana/Alexander Lingas, St Philip Neri Church, Portland, OR, USA, 19th January 1999

Prayer for the Departed, (In memory of Brian Dennis), 1998, Text from the Orthodox Funeral service (English, Greek), 5 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Chapel Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London/Lionel Pike, 17th January 1999

Words of the Angel, 1998, Text: Orthodox Easter Liturgy (English, Greek), 5 minutes SSS, Fp Trio Mediaeval, Oslo, 11th December 1998

Canticum Canticorum III, 1997, Texts from the Song of Songs (Greek), 4 minutes Tenor and harp, Fp John Potter and Jan Walters, Belfast, 30th April 1998

The Meeting in the Garden, 1996, Text from the Gospels and Orthodox Matins of the Resurrection (English and Greek), 8 minutes SSM-SATBarB, Fp Grupo Vocal Olissipo, Church of S. Roque, Lisbon, November 1988

In Nomine, 1996, 7 minutes Viol consort, Fp Fretwork, Prokopi, Evia, Greece, 31st August 1996

O Taphos, 1996, Poem by Kostas Palamas (Greek), 20 minutes Counter-tenor , viol consort, Commissioned by Fretwork

Lamentations, 1995, Texts from the Lamentations of Jeremiah and Orthodox Matins of Holy Saturday (Greek, Latin, English), 35 minutes AATTTTBB, 2 trb, Commissioned by Bruno Turner

Revelation, 1995, Text from the Book of Revelation and Orthodox Matins of the Last Judgement (English and Greek), 60 minutes Narrator, male chamber choir, 2 viols, 2 sackbuts, chamber organ, Fp Fr Philip Steer, Taverner Consort/Andrew Parrott, London, 23rd November 1995

Lamentation of the Virgin, 1995, Text: mediaeval German poem and Trisagion (German, Greek, Slavonic), 13 minutes SATTBarB, Fp Singer Pur, Nuremberg, 19th May 1995

Hymn to the Light, 1994, Text: hymn from Orthodox Vespers (Slavonic), 7 minutes SATTB soli, SSAATTBB, Fp Amanda Morrison, Linda Hirst, Hilliard Ensemble, Choir/Ivan Moody, Cambridge, 30th July 1994

Canticum Canticorum II, 1994, Texts from the Song of Songs (English), 12 minutes ATTB, Fp Hilliard Ensemble, Frankfurt, 21st March 1995

Prayer to the Mother of God, 1994, Text from the Orthodox Funeral service (Slavonic), 8 minutes Soprano & bells, Fp Sara Stowe and Matthew Spring, Purcell Room, London, 27th December 1996

Passion and Resurrection, 1992, Text from the Gospels and Orthodox Holy Week services (English, Greek and Slavonic), 70 minutes STB soli, choir, tubular bells, 2 vl, vla, vcl, cb, Fp Red Byrd, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir/Tõnu Kaljuste, Tampere, Finland, 5th June, 1993, Recorded by Red Byrd and Cappella Amsterdam/Daniel Reuss on Hyperion CDA 66999

Hymn to Christ the Saviour, 1991, Text by St Clement of Alexandria (English), 17 minutes STTB, viol consort, Fp Red Byrd and the Rose Consort of Viols, St James’s, Piccadilly, London, 7th February, 1993

Anamnisis, 1990-91, Texts from Cavafy and the Orthodox Funeral Service (Greek and English), Fp Hilliard Ensemble, Hitchin, 19th August 1991

The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, 1990-91, Text in English, Greek and Slavonic, c. 90 minutes (may be shortened for concert use) Mixed choir, Fp Chamber Choir of Orthodox Church Music, Tallinn, 1995

O tebe raduetysa, 1990, Text from the Divine Liturgy of St Basil (Slavonic), 4 minutes SATTBB, Fp Voces Angelicae/Ivan Moody, St Bride’s Church, London, May 1990

Lament for Christ, 1989, Text: early 15th century poem (Greek), 22 minutes SSAATTBB (with soli), Fp English Chamber Choir/Guy Protheroe, QEH, London, 8th March, 2001

Arkhangelos, 1989, Poem by Agathius Scholasticus (Greek), 5 minutes ATTB, Fp Hilliard Ensemble, Hitchin, August 1991

Miserere, 1988, Text: Psalm 50 (English and Greek), 11 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Stephen Darlington, April 1990

Canticle of Simeon, 1988, Text: troparion from Orthodox Vespers of the Meeting of the Lord (English), 5 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Choir of St Matthew’s, Northampton/Andrew Shenton, 2nd February, 1989

Hymn of the Transfiguration, 1988, Text: troparion from Orthodox Matins of the Transfiguration (English), 8 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Voces Angelicae/Ivan Moody, Oxford, May 1988

Christmas Ikos, 1987, Text from Orthodox Christmas matins (English), 3 minutes SSATTB, Fp Voces Angelicae/Ivan Moody, London, December 1987

Canticle at the Parting of the Soul from the Body, 1987, Text from the Orthodox Office at the Parting of the Soul from the Body (English), 7 minutes ATTB, Fp Voces Angelicae/Ivan Moody, Russian Orthodox Cathedral, London 1987

Canticle of the Mother of God, 1987, Text: Magnificat with Byzantine-rite troparia (Greek), 11 minutes SSAATTBB, Fp Pegasus/Richard Crossland, London, 1988

Orthodox Wedding Hymn, 1986, Text from the Orthodox Service of Holy Matrimony, 4 minutes SSATTB, Fp Voces Angelicae/Ivan Moody, Little Missenden Festival, 1987

Two Hymns for the Office of Holy Unction, 1986, Texts from the Orthodox Office of Holy Unction (English), 10 minutes SATB, Fp Voces Angelicae/Ivan Moody, St Alban’s Church, Holborn, London, 1986

Nunc dimittis, 1986, rev, 1996, English, Slavonic or Greek, 2 minutes SATB, Fp Kingston Polytechnic Chamber Choir/Peter Johnson, Worcester Cathedral, 1988, Recorded by Singer Pur on Ars Musici AMP 5035-2

Canticum Canticorum I, 1985, Texts from the Song of Songs (Latin), 6 minutes ATTB, Fp Hilliard Ensemble, Vienna, 1987, Recorded by the Hilliard Ensemble on ECM New Series 1614/15 and by Tapestry on Telarc CD 80-486

Ivan Moody, compositor

Ivan Moody, compositor